The Koorie Heritage Trust’s Affirmation exhibition brings together four multi-disciplinary Aboriginal artists – Paola Balla, Deane Gilson, Tashara Roberts and Pierra Sparks – whose photography practices author land kinship and interrogate the illegitimate truths of the federation.[^1] The exhibition initially came about as a contribution to the Photo2020 International Festival of Photography, which has been […]
Artists: Paul Gorrie, Neil Morris, Carly Sheppard, Kuan-Hsiang Liu, Sojugang, Alice Skye, Meriki Onus and Dtarneen Onus Williams. Curator: Nayuka Gorrie ‘Black people are experts at surviving,’ announces curator and emcee Nayuka Gorrie, a Kurnai, Gunditjmara, Wiradjuri, and Yorta Yorta writer. She is standing on a stage lined with Australian plants, between curtains emblazoned with […]