The Gertrude Studio Program is one of Australia’s most highly regarded contemporary art residencies. This year, 182 artists applied, eight were selected, and ONE sat down with Clam & Jackie Bam to eat hot chips and shoot the sh*t. Narrm’s resident PC shock jocks were delighted to chat with Georgia Morgan aka @scorpiopork about art, intention, babies, Bondi, Judaism, Hinduism, trash, and more in this special un Extended audio commission.
This is the first in a small series of long-form audio interviews commissioned by un Projects which profiles a Gertrude studio artist.
Clam & Jackie Bam run the hottest Rush Hour Radio Show on the Naarm/Melbourne digital airwaves. Your PC shock jocks’ mics are running HOT. Their stories are always LOCAL. This is NOT a podcast. It’s drive time, baby. Talk back (and forth) with two experts on a wide range of topics.