Gallery: Arts House Exhibition: Okkoota ಒಕ್ಕೂಟ What I am struck by when I enter Okkoota ಒಕ್ಕೂಟ at Arts House is the darkness.[^1] I mistake black curtains for exits and entry points, stumble into dark corners that lead nowhere. Darkness blankets vision, so that colour is renewed, broken, so that sound becomes sight. This is no […]
The Debris Facility Pty Ltd is aqueer corporate entity enacting parasitism through im material projects ofadministration, installation, performance, video, wearables, text and dis/embodiment among other activities. Utilising non-binary approaches, they disrupt linear systems of exchange, scales of agency and visual and speculative economies.
Artist: Nástio Mosquito We sit in the middle of the front row to watch the thundering that was Nástio Mosquito’s Respectable Thief in late July as part of Season 2 (2017) at the Arts House in the North Melbourne Town Hall. A large shadow appears from behind a screen wall, singing an acapella gospel song. […]