Alongside the Black Lives Matter movement, the anti- monument movement has been growing. In Bristol in the United Kingdom, a statue of slave trader Edward Colston was dragged down and dumped in the river; in the United States, ‘statues of Christopher Columbus have been beheaded.’[^1] In Australia, although colonial statues have largely avoided destruction thus […]
Artists: Tony Albert, Archie Barry & Max Milne, Liam Benson, Get to Work, Angelica Mesiti, Echo Morgan and Angela Yu Curator: Grace Partridge Engender is an exhibition about many things: gender, race, self-representation and power – essentially an exploration of identity. Amidst the constant news feed from the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ campaigns in the lead […]
Artists: Tony Albert, Rushdi Anwar, Sophie Cassar, Tabita Rezaria and Liz Linden. Curators: Georgie Meagher. Is it a measure of resilience to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick biosphere?[^1] Within a biosphere subject to an entanglement of hyperobjects – white supremacy, patriarchy and climate change, just to name a few – finding ways to […]